Braefield’s Hocus Pocus
Sire: Ch Chrys-haefen Prince of Thieves UD
Dam: Sherhaven Braefield Abracdabra CD, WC
June 29, 2004 – September 27, 2017
OVC Hip & Elbows #0030096; OFA Heart Normal March 2006; CERF Normal November 2009

Salem 47 months

Salem 3 years
After a brief illness at the tender age of 13 years, our dear Salem passed away in the arms of her loving daddy Roger Kenyon. Salem was predeceased this past year by her Aunties Katie and Annie and in her sweet natured and loving way was the comforter to Roger in this sad time. Now she has gone to be with her mummy Abbey and her Aunties at Rainbow bridge and is no doubt hunting for the ducks she so loved to retrieve. RIP my cutie Patootie xxx
Full of curiosity and ever so sweet, Salem has the sweet gentle nature of her grandmother Thyme.
Salem, we discovered when she was a little pup, loves ducks! When thrown a duck at a JH trial, Salem promptly “fetched it up” and then “headed for the hills” with it! This at the tender age of almost 11 weeks!
Salem will now be competing in the conformation ring this summer.
Hamilton Kennel Club
June 26, 2008 – 1st place Bred By under judge R. Glendinning
June 27, 2008 – 1st place Bred By under judge P. Odenkirchen
South Western Ontario Sporting Dog Specialty
June 29, 2008 -2nd place Bred By under breeder/judge Cherie Berger
On October 3, 2010 our lives were changed when we said good bye to our Salem. We decided not to breed Salem anymore, and we knew that an even better life was in the cards for her.
Grant said giving up Salem was the hardest of all that have left us. She is such a sweetheart, our ‘cutie patootie’.
Here Grant’s heart is breaking letting her go.
and mum’s too
But her new mum and papa are so very happy
Salem is now happily living with her Aunties Katie and Annie and Roger and Patricia Kenyon.
Knowing how loved she is makes losing her a bit easier:-) Love you Toot
Pedigree of “Braefield’s Hocus Pocus” |
Parents | GrandParents | GreatGrandParents |
Ch Chrys-haefen Prince of Thieves UD
Ch Chrys-haefen Thomas A Beckett |
Ch Haydene Commador |
Ch Chrys-haefen The Trasher | ||
Chrys-haefen Dream Corhampton | Ch Chrys-haefen Private Eye | |
Roddenburg’s Aurora | ||
DAM Sherhaven Braefield Abracdabra CD, WC |
Ch Dewmist Davenport OS | Swe Sh Ch/Nor Ch Marjamez Masterpiece |
LPI Dewmist Dark ‘N Divine | ||
Sherhaven’s Thyme of Your Life | Ch Sherhaven’s Duffy | |
Sherhaven’s Special Delivery CD, WC, JH |
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